
Fund Distribution and Development

The Fund Development Committee's sole purpose is to ensure continued funding for the Foundation. The committee will creatively develop ways to increase revenue, plan and execute fundraising events, and maintain the foundations donor base. The committee will work to maintain steady fiscal growth and work internally and externally to meet company fiscal objectives and operating costs.  Maintain the responsibility of determining fund allocation internally and externally. The committee will meet every fiscal quarter to review and discuss fund allocation, fiscal objectives, budgetary matters, operational costs, and other budgetary related issues.

Community Engagement and Relations

The Community Integration and Relations team is designed to ensure the highest quality of engagement is had within the communities we both operate and serve. Surveying the need among the targeting population, creating long-lasting relationships with community members and alumni is the priority of this committee.

Join a committee?

Email your request to participate:

*Board Membership is not required in order to serve on an open committee

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